Digitally Competent Educational Organisations MOOC open for registration

Digitally Competent Educational Organisations MOOC open for registration

Next Tuesday, 19th September, the MOOC Digitally Competent Educational Organisations (1st edition) starts. During 4 weeks, and with an estimated effort of 5 hours per week, this MOOC will address the transformation of educational organisations considering technology as a key facilitator component for the success of this process.

The course will analyse and tackle this challenge from three complementary dimensions: the pedagogical dimension (which includes all aspects related to the teaching and learning practice, to the curricula contents, and to the assessment practices), the organisational dimension (which includes leadership and governance practices, professional development and collaboration and networking) and the technological dimension (which refers to issues dealing with digital and physical infrastructures).

This MOOC, besides providing participants with the opportunity to know the Digitally Competent educational Organisations Framework by JRC (Joint Research Centre, European Commission, Seville) and how to use it in the process of improvement of their educational organisations, enables the participation in different social spaces and networks so as to provide teachers with a collective construction of knowledge and new professional competencies related to the topics studied in the course (Facebook, Twitter).

By accomplishing the acctivities succesfully, you will be able to gain a digital badge, which you will safely store in the EducaLAB Open Badge Backpack. This digital micro-credential endorses your learning evidences throughout the MOOC.

In addition to the Digitally Competent Educational Organisations Framework, MOOC participants will be able to access and pilot, before anyone else, the Digital Teaching Competence Portfolio (based on the INTEF’s Common Digital Competence Framework for Teachers) and other self-assessment tools (such as SELFIE), among other activities.